Les Guthman
 Director, Producer, Writer, Editor     

Les Guthman is an American director, writer, editor and production executive, who has the distinction of both having produced three of the 20 Top Adventure Films of All Time, according to Men's Journal  magazine, and having won the National Academy of Science’s nationwide competition to find the best new idea in science television, which led to his film, Three Nights at the Keck, hosted by actor John Lithgow.

He is currently producer, director, writer and editor of the feature documentary, "LIGO," and a nine-episode web series in collaboration with Caltech, MIT and the LIGO Laboratory, funded by the National Science Foundation, MathWorks and Caltech. 

He is a member of the Explorers Club in New York and a Fellow of the Royal Canadian Geographical Society.  Wikipedia.

As creator and executive producer of the DISCOVER MAGAZINE series at the Walt Disney Company; of Outside Television, the production division of Outside magazine; and the owner of XPLR Productions, he has produced 35 feature documentaries, directed 12, written 15 and edited 13 feature documentaries.  He has written, produced, directed and edited over 20 shorter videos, including the documentary short "Ten Great Unanswered Questions of Science" for his DISCOVERY MAGAZINE series. IMDb.

"LIGO" Documentary Update and New Production, September 2023

Interview and Profile, December 2020 

PUBLISHED SEPTEMBER 5, 2020 - On the 5th Anniversary of LIGO's Discovery of 
Gavitational Waves and Colliding Black Holes
